Every day, I spend time working on my Etsy shop. Whether it be fulfilling orders, creating new designs, making product tags or fixing up the storefront.
Today, I caught up on leaving feedback for my customers. I edited some photos of my most recent custom order. And did my daily social media marketing (aka hanging out on Facebook).
Another thing I've been meaning to do is update my Etsy banner. The "old one" has only been up for a few months, but I felt it needed tweaking. At the time I made the banner, I was focusing on my heartfelt hoop art. But since then, my sales for my felt flowers have picked up and I've made a few new yarn-wrapped wreaths. So I wanted to change the banner to reflect my most recent work.
The way I photograph my hand-made items has also changed. I picked up a richly stained wooden gray at a thrift store last February and have been using it as my backdrop for a number of items. I like the character of the wood. It also is a bit easier to photograph compared to a white backdrop (which I have also been experimenting with).
So I changed "heartfelt hoop art" to "heartfelt decor" to include not only my embroidery hoop art but also my wreaths and my felt flowers. I made "catshy crafts" more prominent while giving my photos more real estate on the banner.
Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Today, I caught up on leaving feedback for my customers. I edited some photos of my most recent custom order. And did my daily social media marketing (aka hanging out on Facebook).
Another thing I've been meaning to do is update my Etsy banner. The "old one" has only been up for a few months, but I felt it needed tweaking. At the time I made the banner, I was focusing on my heartfelt hoop art. But since then, my sales for my felt flowers have picked up and I've made a few new yarn-wrapped wreaths. So I wanted to change the banner to reflect my most recent work.
My old blog banner:
My new blog banner:
The way I photograph my hand-made items has also changed. I picked up a richly stained wooden gray at a thrift store last February and have been using it as my backdrop for a number of items. I like the character of the wood. It also is a bit easier to photograph compared to a white backdrop (which I have also been experimenting with).
So I changed "heartfelt hoop art" to "heartfelt decor" to include not only my embroidery hoop art but also my wreaths and my felt flowers. I made "catshy crafts" more prominent while giving my photos more real estate on the banner.
Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for stopping by today!

You have an awesome banner, Cathy! But I think it will be better if you put the heading in the center, so that it could call attention to your online visitors. Or you can use it as some sort of watermark for your images, so that if someone shares your photo, they'll know where it's from.
Sean Brown @ Linear Local
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